Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie is Dumb! – Talking About Tapes

Tony, Vizzy, and Mint review Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers The Movie and laugh at how dumb it is. In this Podcast / Movie Review of the first live action Power Rangers movie they will take a look at all the stuff that make it stupid like the rangers wardrobe, bird people that can fly at the speed of light, and the worst CGI robots you have ever seen.

After a construction crew accidentally cracks open a gigantic egg that has imprisoned evil maniac Ivan Ooze (Paul Freeman) for centuries, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers prepare to face their most formidable foe yet. The vengeful Ooze kills their elderly mentor, Zordon (Nicholas Bell), and with him the source of the Rangers’ power. Stunned by Zordon’s death, the Rangers struggle to contain Ooze without the help of the Zords, the giant mechanical robots they have grown to depend upon in battle.

Follow Vizzy and Mint

Thanks to Sean O’Rourke from Movie Dumpster for the edit.

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