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What would you do if you were trapped in a toy factory and the toys came to life? I’m not talking in a fun Toy Story way, I mean in a Five Nights At Freddy’s you are trapped and they want to END you kind of way. This is Poppy Playtime and I think there is a lot of lore hiding in the depths of this toy nightmare. Today I’m going to explain how I think Poppy may NOT be our big bad and what may still be lurking in the shadows.
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FNAF, The FINAL Timeline ►►
FNAF, The Monster We MISSED! ►►
FNAF This Theory Changes Everything ►
FNAF, You Were Meant To Lose ►
FNAF 6, No More Secrets ►
Writers: Matthew Patrick and Tom Robinson
Editors: Danial “BanditRants” Keristoufi, Jerika (NekoOnigiri), and Tyler Mascola
Assistant Editor: Caitie Turner (viridianrosette)
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman